December 5, 2007

Picture Books for Dec. 5, 2007

I usually do 5 picks, but I wanted to include Ra's al Ghul's resurrection for 2 special reasons:

ROBIN #169

Written by Peter Milligan; Art by Freddie Williams II; Cover by Andy Kubert $2.99 - 1.) I've always been impressed with Ra's al Ghul and how hot his daughter is. 2.) The man has no eyebrows.

Now that that's taken care of:


Written by Geoff Johns & Alex Ross; Art by Dale Eaglesham & Ruy Jose; Cover by Alex Ross; Variant cover by Eaglesham & Jose $2.99 - Part 2 of "Thy Kingom Come" - Earth-22 Superman (see Kingdom Come) is sticking around. Starman is still crazy. Though, I haven't heard much about the 52 lately.


Written by Brian Wood; Art by Davide Gianfelice; Cover by Massimo Carnevale; Variant Cover by Adam Kubert $2.99 - Brian Wood (DMZ, SUPERMARKET) must have heard about Grant Gould's WOLVES OF ODIN and realized vikings really are next year's zombies.
Don't believe me? You can download a Sneak Peek here.

3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8: #9 No Future for You

By: Joss Whedon, Writer: Brian K. Vaughan, Artist: Georges Jeanty, Cover Artist: Jo Chen $2.99 - You gotta be out of your head not to covet a copy. 'Nuff said.

2. Zombies Vs. Robots Vs. Amazons #1 (MR)

By Chris Ryall and Ashley Wood $3.99 - Click the link to see the exclusive preview here. Plus, variant covers!
Feel free to thank Ashley Wood with cash or gifts.

1. Black Summer #4 (of 7) (MR)

Cover: Juan Jose Ryp, Writer: Warren Ellis, Art: Juan Jose Ryp $3.99 - Did you ever happen to hear about the comic book where the superhero went nuts and killed the President of the United States?
More than you ever wanted to know on the subject can be found here.

I forgot this one until now.

The Order #5

Cover: Barry Kitson, WRITER: Matt Fraction (PUNISHER WAR JOURNAL, IMMORTAL IRON FIST and Casanova), PENCILS: Barry Kitson (Legion of Super-Heroes, Empire,
JLA Year One)
- The Order gives Thunderbolts competition as the greatest thing to come out of Marvel's "The Initiative". Oh Matt, your acronyms.

Go about your lives until next time.

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