December 6, 2007

“People have begun to lose their hopes and forget their dreams. So the Nothing grows stronger.”

27-year-old Adam Brody is going from the Land of Women to the Hall of Justice, as the former television star has closed negotiations to play The Flash in George Miller’s 'Justice League of America' movie"

It seems my old protege is moving up in the world. He dominates in ItLoW.

Something about this one just reminded me of the reason for the season.
I had to pass this along from Warren Ellis. Westboro Baptist Church (of the "GOD HATES FAGS" and "PRIESTS RAPE BOYS" movements) made a music video of their latest track that's sure to be an instant classic: God Hates The World

In August, scientists discovered a big hole in the universe, a great 'nothing'...a gap, over a billion light years across, and is “empty of both normal matter—such as galaxies and stars—and the mysterious ‘dark matter’ that cannot be seen directly with telescopes.”

There's a big (billion+ lightyears across) nothing floating out there. No matter, no "dark matter", just a bubble. It could be the edge of our universe resting against the edge of antoher, but I like to think that got it right. Don't let the sadness get to you, Artax.

There's so much more, but for now I must soak in this week's filth.

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