February 12, 2008

Narcotic-Filled Gumballs, 'Candy' Drugs Prompt School Warnings
"This a grave problem and shows to what lengths drug dealers will go," said Robert Tricquet, president of the Florida Association of School Resource Officers.

"Flavors can include strawberry, chocolate, cola and others."
What the Wonka? Drugs taste like candy now? The drug game just gets more and more interesting. If they're flavoring heroin, make mine snozzberry.

And my favorite part:
"Also, reports of gumballs filled with marijuana and narcotics packaged or disguised as candy or other more enticing objects have raised concern from Florida law enforcement." Seriously, what's more enticing than drugs? Do they disguise the drugs as...other drugs?

Seriously, though, drugs are too expensive to market to kids. As someone posted on the site I found this article, "These gumballs are not being sold for 25 cents and probably aren't even sold to the consumer. Drug dealers don't target kids because kids don't have any money.
The gumballs are just being used to hide the drugs for trafficking."

Sorry, Dick and Jane, you'll have to ask for an advance on your allowance before you can score enough acid for the both of you.

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