January 22, 2008

Anti-Pain Gene

BBC NEWS | Health | Gene 'may transform pain relief'
US scientists have developed a gene therapy treatment which they hope could revolutionise pain relief.

And it's about damn time. I must say, I will miss the delicious addictive qualities of opiates and the like, but I'll learn to deal. Like the article says, it's far too early to tell what the ultimate outcome of this research will be, but it's obviously a step in the right direction.
My only concern (as usual) is the cost in dollars. The article states, "Chronic back pain in the UK alone is thought to cost billions," but what will the pill that tells my genes what to do cost me? I'm sure it will be worth it, but I kinda hope it doesn't require me robbing a dozen banks...'cause I after the first 3, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself.
God bless those control mice. Such little troupers.

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